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To Financial Freedom
Trusted by
employees of
The CCG Way
We acquire the right property in a growing market. We network with brokers and run our own direct-to-seller system in order to find value-add deals.
While we leverage third-party property managers to deal with day-to-day tenant relations, we are involved actively in the day-to-day financial management and construction management of the asset. We ensure renovations are being completed on time.
Why Multifamily?
Historical Stability
Over the past four decades multifamily investments have provided returns that exceed all other real estate property classes.
Increasing Demand
U.S. population growth is to exceed 60 million over the next 25 vears.
Build Cash Flow
Multifamily properties can provide strong cash flow, which can be used to cover expenses and/or reinvest in other opportunities.
Strategic Forced Appreciation
Multi-family properties are appraised based on the Net Operating Income (NOI) they generate, making it easier to increase value through efficient management.
Hedge Against Inflation
As inflation causes price levels to rise, the price of your real estate and the cost to duplicate the property will increase.
Our Unique Advantages
In-house Construction Management
Geographically hyper-focused
No Middle-men
Clear business plan
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To Passively Investing In Real Estate
Compounding Capital Group has created a free guide filled with strategies on how to invest passively in real estate.